Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. The CIA Triad

    3. Practice Activity: The CIA Triad

    4. Identity and Access Management I

    5. Identity and Access Management II

    6. Identity Federation

    7. Security Governance: Policies, Standards and Procedures

    8. Security Governance: GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS and Intellectual Property

    9. Cryptography

    10. Practice Activity: Cryptography

    11. Hashing and Digital Signatures

    12. Lab: Hashing

    13. Practice Activity: Hashing

    14. Quiz (Foundations)

    1. Introduction: OSI and TCP/IP

    2. Application and Transport Layers

    3. Lab: Email Forensic Investigation

    4. Practice Activity: Email Forensic Investigation

    5. Domain Name System (DNS)

    6. The Network Layer

    7. The Link Layer

    8. Security Protocols: SSL/TLS, IPSec, VPNs, SSH

    9. Lab Setup

    10. Lab: Port Scanning

    11. NAT: Network Address Translation

    12. Firewalls

    13. Wireless Networks and Security

    1. Password Attacks

    2. DoS and DDoS

    3. DNS Attacks

    4. Network Attacks

    5. Man in the Middle

    6. Social Engineering

    7. Lab: Phishing Attack and Investigation

    1. Web Application Architecture

    2. SQL Injection

    3. Lab: SQL Injection

    4. Blind SQL Injection

    5. Mitigating SQL Injection Attacks

    6. XSS: Cross Site Scripting

    7. Vulnerability Management

    1. Malware: Introduction

    2. Viruses and Worms

    3. Trojans

    4. Spyware adware and ransomware

    5. Logic Bombs and Rootkits

    6. Anti-malware

    1. Interview Questions and Conclusion

About this course

  • $34.99
  • 48 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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