Course curriculum

    1. Vishing: Introduction, deep fake, safety tips

    2. Shoulder Surfing: Introduction, types, safety tips

    3. Wi-Fi Phishing and waterhole attacks

    4. Phishing: Introduction, spot phishing emails and prevention tips

    5. Spear Phishing: Introduction, execution and prevention

    6. Quiz 1: Social Engineering

    1. To Cookie or Not to Cookie

    2. Practice Activity: 3rd Party Cookies

    3. Safe Browsing

    4. Browser Fingerprinting: Safety Tips

    5. Browser Fingerprinting

    6. Quiz 2: Safe Browsing

    1. VPNs: How they work?

    2. VPNs: Interesting Facts

    3. VPNs: Word of caution when choosing a VPN service

    4. Quiz 3: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

    1. Passwords: Brute force attacks and safety tips

    2. Passwords: Dictionary attacks and safety tips

    3. Practice Activity: Have I been pawned?

    4. Passwords: Tips on selecting strong passwords

    5. Quiz 4: Strong Passwords

    1. Dumpster Diving

    2. Secure Data Disposal and Media Sanitization

    3. Quiz 5: Secure Data Disposal

About this course

  • $34.99
  • 30 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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